On November 17, 1789 ten people covenanted together to form First Congregational Church of Pittsfield.  We are a church family centered on faith, freedom and fellowship in Our Lord Jesus Christ.  We affirm the promise of Jesus Christ who said, "Where two or three come together in my name, there I am with them."

Matthew 18:20


Church Officers

About Us

Minister - The Rev. David Stasiak
                  Church Office: '603-435-7471
                  Home: '603-435-0083
                  Cell:  '603-545-8990
                  Email: keysman02@aol.com


Church Staff

Moderator:  Harry Vogt

Vice Moderator:  Chris Ward

Collector:  Cindy Moore

Clerk:  Maryellen Plante

Treasurer:  Vicki Watson

Assistant Treasurer:  Kevin Kennedy

Music Coordinator, Organist:  Nella Hobson
Church Custodian:  Jaime Koladish
Choir Director, Assistant Pianist: Vicki Watson
Pianist, Assistant Choir Director: Emily Goulet

To become more like Jesus Christ for the sake of others.

Our Mission Statement....